Tuesday 8 May 2012


Oskar Schlemmer's Triadisches Ballett (Triadic Ballet) 1922

The Bauhaus exhibition at the Barbican Arts centre has begun! 3rd May- 12th August. For my year group, however, it started a few months ago as Catherine Ince, curator of the exhibition, and April Williams, manager of the gallery shop, invited us to design work to be sold in the exhibition shop. I really enjoyed researching about this playfully rebellious group of artists and designers as they created a refreshing attitude by blurring the line between creative disciplines and combining the acts of work and play. This integral sense of fun was expressed in Oskar Schlemmer's many stage performances. Schlemmer soon became the focus of my design work. Below are some of the images I discovered.
Oskar Schlemmer's sketches for the Triadic Ballet

Oskar Schlemmer Stelzenläufer 'Slat dance' 1927
Josef Hartwig chess set 1924

Gunta Stölz

Marli Ehrman

Eugen Batz - Ordering of colours and forms from Kandinsky's seminar, 1929-30

A few weeks ago Catherine and April selected a small group of my class to develop their pieces, ready to be sold in the gallery shop throughout the exhibition...and I was very excited to be part of that group. The images below show the necklace and box that I will be selling.