Sunday 2 September 2012

As 'touristy' as it sounds, I couldn't visit Barcelona without taking a two hour train up the coastline to Figueres, the birth place of Salvador Dalí....and the location of his own museum 'Theatré-Museu Dalí'. The museum dominates part of the old town with large titled eggs and a protruding glass dome.

The museum had two main sections, designed by Dalí to be as much an art piece as the work it contained. The first section incorporated a central courtyard with gold manequins looking down at you from every window. The maze of corridors and rooms that surrounded the courtyard, immersed you further into Dali's surreal world.

The Mae West room.
After walking around the seemingly disjointed display of  facial objects,  a narrow stairs led you up to a large magnifying glass...revealing the face of Mae West.
The Mae West Lips sofa, designed by Dali in 1937.

The second part to the museum was titled Dalí·Joies and exhibited his sparkling jewellery designs. Dali explained that 'Anthropomorphic subjects appear and reappear in my jewels. I see the human form in tress, leaves, animals.'

"Without an audience, without the presence of spectators, these jewels would not fulfil the function for which they came into being. The viewer, is then the ultimate artist." Dali 1959

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